Happy Monday everyone. Time for the weekly roundup of things that have happened (or have not happened) and to look forward to the week to come. I have to start first with the Denver Comic Con, which I was attendance. [...]
That’s right, over 50,000 people attended the 2nd Annual Denver Comic Con this weekend. That’s 20,000 more than last year which was the 2nd largest Comic Con opening in history. An impressive number to say the least. This led J. [...]
So the second annual Denver Comic Con begins tonight and runs through Sunday, and I could not be more giddy to attend. Seriously, it’s all I could talk about for days (maybe weeks). Now I know little ol’ Denver’s Con [...]
Sometimes wile surfing the Web you come across something that makes you just say, huh? I never really pictured 2001: A Space Odyssey as a children’s film but apparently in 1968 Howard Johnson’s did. I guess they had to capitalize [...]
The first thing that comes to mind about Iron Man 3 is, “Well, that wasn’t the movie I expected.” And this, as it turns out, is a huge compliment. I admit I felt some trepidation as I sat in the [...]
The view was magnificent. I could have sat there forever, just watching; letting the moment linger. If left to myself I suppose I would have. I was content to just sit. Sit and think and drink the spiced sangria that [...]
Been thinking a lot lately about the nature of success and what is means to be a success. What is it exactly do we work for? What is the goal we strive toward and why do we strive in the [...]
The second half of series 7 starts tomorrow so to get ready we shall watch the now legendary cold open from the Late, Late show. No matter how many time I watch this it just keeps getting more and more [...]
When I met with the funeral home people they spoke in low tones and stood stooping slightly forward like old English butlers do in movies. I assumed this was meant to give me a sense of ease and comfort. This [...]