Monday Disclaimer: A Place for My Stuff

By Last Updated: June 10, 2013Views: 2425

Happy Monday everyone. Today’s Disclaimer is a little late because, well, I wait till the last minute to do things. It’s how I roll. It’s not how I like to roll, but at least I’m rolling.

So last week was interesting. And by interesting I mean stressful and busy, so not interesting at all really. I find myself as of late struggling to piece together the different compartments of my life. I have to work, which is unfortunate but it is how I feed myself so I suppose its a necessary thing. Now around this unfortunate necessity I attempt to fit my writing and my blogging and all the while trying to be present in my daughters life. This last bit is, of course the most important thing and so trumps all others.

I find myself compartmentalizing these various aspects of my life into little separate bits. There is the “work time” and the “writing time” and around this is the “family time” and if there is any time left it may fall into the “me time” but there is only so much time. Now each of these items are neatly placed in a little folder and filed so that when one is used the other can be put away.

My struggle is this, I know inherently that all of these separate “times” in my life are actually one and the same and should be enjoyed and experienced at the same time and flow neat and tidy like into one another, enriching and sustaining each other. I know this, but I have absolutely no idea how to do this. And so struggle on I suppose.

On that happy note, what’s on tap for this week?

Coming This Week

The Next Monster Memories post will be The Invisible Man to complete the James Whale classic monster films. This should be either Thursday or Friday. There may not be a temptations & Trespasses post this week, just not feeling that what I have prepared is prepared, you know what I mean? But who knows I may just stream-of-consciousness it at the last minute. Also, I’ve been wanting to do some blogrolling for a while now so I may post a little plug/review/heaping of praise on one of my favorite bloggers. If it goes well I will continue.

That’s it, as always thanks for tuning in.

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