[INSERT JOKE HERE] But seriously folks… Detecting X-Rays From Uranus Astronomers have detected X-rays from Uranus for the first time, using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, as shown in this image from March 2021. This result may help scientists learn more about this enigmatic [...]
I’ve always found Frost’s poems to be deceptively simple. On the surface the theme is a common one – almost cliché – every relationship can get “stormy” from time to time [...]
Okay, look at that. Here it is April and I realized I haven’t posted any “What You Reading?” entries for the entire month of March. In my defense, it was a really busy month [...]
I have been crazy busy recently so this post covers two weeks of reading. But to be fair in addition to two full collected editions of comics and 5 individual issues there is also a full novel [...]
This week was nothing but comics. Some ongoing, a new #1, catch-up on a couple of series I fell behind on, and a collected edition for an upcoming edition of the Collected Edition [...]
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with an impure mind And trouble will follow you As the wheel follows the ox that draws [...]
I didn’t do much reading this week comparatively speaking. I am still doing my deep dive into Buddhist thought and philosophy, something I have been interested in since my teenage years [...]
This is something new I’ll be trying out. On any given week I’m reading a handful of things; novels and comics, historical non-fiction, and various essays and articles [...]
Today’s image is of a black hole, or rather the lack of a black hole. There should be a black hole but no evidence of a black hole where the black hole should be exists. If this sounds confusing, it [...]
2020 was a strange time. (Understatement, I know.) As far as entertainment goes there wasn’t as much released (or at least not as much as had been scheduled) for obvious reasons [...]