A Merry Little Alternative Xmas

By Last Updated: December 2, 2024Views: 1854

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Sure, that’s a given. People seem to enjoy the colored lights, the slowly dying tree in the living room, and the glitter. Oh, and the gifts. People seem to really like the gifts.

But did you know there is also a different side to Christmas? Ways to celebrate Christmas that are unusual? And some people – get this – don’t even celebrate Christmas at all! I know it’s crazy, but it’s true.

Well, that’s what we here a DaddyElk Productions are going to be discussing all month here on the network. We’re calling it An Alternate Xmas.

So what is an Alternate Xmas?

Well, there are three ways of examining this subject:

The Darker Side of Christmas

The holiday for most is a joyful time but for some, it can be a time of sadness and isolation. The holiday can make people feel pressured into being happy. That fact may strike some as strange or even ridiculous. After all, it’s the “most wonderful time of the year” and everyone can’t help but be filled with the spirit of the season. But that is not always the case and when you are not in the spirit it can be isolating.

With that in mind will be hearing stories of a not-so-merry Christmas from some of our contributors.

The Different Side of Christmas

I suppose we all have in our minds an idea of what Christmas is supposed to look like: decorations, colors, themes, etc. And a basic idea of how it is supposed to be celebrated. But there is a multitude of ways Christmas is celebrated around the world; different traditions, folklore, and characters make Christmas a different experience depending on where you happen to be. Not to mention the various other holidays, ancient and modern, that have influenced how Christmas is experienced.

We will be discussing just a few such things in the weeks to come.

The Definition of Christmas

And finally…what is Christmas anyway? Probably seems a simple question to answer, but is it? Is Christmas solely a religious holiday? Is it a communal holiday? Both? And what makes something Christmas? What are the recurring motifs and themes that make a thing Christmassy?

We will be discussing this as well.

More to Come

So keep an eye out for essays, podcasts, and stories all through the month of December on these subjects. And remember…have yourself a merry little Alternative Xmas time!

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