NerdSync is a pretty great channel over on the YouTube that deals with all things comic book related. Everyone should head on over there and just watch everything because, if you like comics, this is the place to find thoughtful [...]
With the new Blade Runner 2049 due to be released later this year I’ve been obsessively going back over all the related material associated with it including: All 5 versions of the film, the original Philip K. Dick novel Do Androids Dream [...]
STORY BY: Daniel Warren Johnson and R.L. Stine ART BY: German Peralta COLORS BY: Mat Lopes and Rachelle Rosenberg COVER BY: Tyler Crook The much-anticipated run by Goosebumps author R.L. Stine has arrived and it is undeniably okay. I will say right off I [...]
Editor’s Note: I originality wrote this back in 2015 I thought it could use a re-post. My great-great-grandfather came here from Ireland. He did so to escape famine, civil war and oppression. He left everything he knew – family, [...]
So 2016 is over (finally) and it was…let’s go with interesting. But amid all the disappointment, despair and downright disgust (lots of alliteration – eat your heat out Stan Lee) there was one bright point – The end credit song [...]
2016 was not a good year. I could mention the abundance of celebrity deaths or the uncivil election or the discouraging decisions in Europe as the reasons for the awfulness of the year. Or on a smaller scale there were [...]
Ideas & ExcusesPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:05:29-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: