Keeping in April’s theme being “Rainfall” and National Poetry Month, I’d like to share another rain-based poem. This time it’s in the romantic tradition [...]
I’ve always found Frost’s poems to be deceptively simple. On the surface the theme is a common one – almost cliché – every relationship can get “stormy” from time to time [...]
Okay, look at that. Here it is April and I realized I haven’t posted any “What You Reading?” entries for the entire month of March. In my defense, it was a really busy month [...]
I have been crazy busy recently so this post covers two weeks of reading. But to be fair in addition to two full collected editions of comics and 5 individual issues there is also a full novel [...]
This week was nothing but comics. Some ongoing, a new #1, catch-up on a couple of series I fell behind on, and a collected edition for an upcoming edition of the Collected Edition [...]
I didn’t do much reading this week comparatively speaking. I am still doing my deep dive into Buddhist thought and philosophy, something I have been interested in since my teenage years [...]
What You Reading?Paul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:03:17-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: