The one thing you should take away after reading this is Guardians of the Galaxy is simply a hell of a lot of fun. No dystopian futures, no post-apocalyptic wastelands; just pure, unadulterated space fun. Shiny ships and space pirates [...]
Okay, I’ll admit that when Marvel announced Guardians of the Galaxy as part of its Phase II I was … skeptical. It’s a relatively unknown franchise that features a sentient tree and a talking raccoon as major characters, that’s a [...]
David Hicks is a writer. A damn good one. He is the author of dozens of short stories, one novel and a wildly entertaining blog. He is also a teacher, a mentor and (I’m proud to say) a good friend. [...]
Progressive Rock. It is a term that inspires love, deep and heartfelt. And hate, venomous and cruel. To some it means complex musical suites comprised of off-beat time signatures, extended themes and orchestrations and philosophical concepts. To others it is [...]
I am in my mid-forties and I read comics. I realize in this day and age that is not such a bold statement. In fact in certain circles it would be greeted with a resounding “so?” But for me it [...]
I have reached the end of being cool. This is not something that is easy to admit, but it is something that needs to be acknowledged and accepted. Whatever level of coolness that I had once achieved in my life [...]
Ideas & ExcusesPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:05:29-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: