I stand atop the Sand Dunes at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo, the blood of Christ, my back to the wind. The sand swirls around me, my pockets fill with it, and my feet sink in it till [...]
Jack began to think the wound was superficial because there was no pain. Sure, there was pain when the knife went in, sharp and cold, but now there was nothing. He was numb. Sleep. That was all that was needed, [...]
I had the privilege of hearing Kurt Vonnegut speak once toward the end of his life. I was overwhelmed by his humor and humanity. He was a unique and brilliant individual [...]
My dear friend Michael Daly retired from teaching today. A rather large amount of people gathered in a ballroom to celebrate his career and the man. He mingled the crowd as we sipped our cocktails and nibbled the h’orderves. There [...]
Query Letters for book-length manuscripts and/or agent representation The last in our ‘How to Get Published’ series. This time the focus is on getting representation and writing a great query letter. As always special thanks go out to David Hicks [...]
A list of useful websites of literary magazines, small presses, and book publishers. One of the things I’ve always been frustrated/confused/ignorant of has been the nuts and bolts of the submission process. Where to submit and when and how. Below [...]
Theme: Trying / EffortPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T10:59:05-06:00
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says:
Joe says: