If you ever hear that I’ve moved back east, and I say something like “I want to be closer to my family” or “I miss the racial diversity of New York” or “Denver just can’t compete when […]
Once upon a time there lived a guy named Tantalus who was, for reasons that will become clear, a rather unpleasant fellow. Tantalus was the king of a place called Sipylus and had a great deal of money [...]
Recently this site was attacked by that most dreadful of foes, an army of relentless and tireless robots; robots with only one goal, to deliver their package of evil and horror. A payload so unpleasant we of the civilized world [...]
As a kid I loved monsters. Not the ones that hid under the bed or lived in the closet obviously – those were terrifying and nightmare inducing if one actually managed to get to sleep [...]
Last night John Oliver on Last Week Tonight discussed the ridiculous reasons we in America waste nearly 1/3 of our food. We we throw enough food in this country to fill 730 football stadiums worth every year. That’s insane. Now [...]
Theme: The HarvestPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:00:04-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: