...is it as cool as actually changing into an animal. There are those who can of course and I have made a list of my top 5 favorites.[...]
My first trip to the Faraway Lands came through a Magical Box and was quite unexpected. It happened when I was seven years old and grounded. Now, to my knowledge, there are three ways to get to the Faraway Lands. [...]
By 1941 Universal had been making monster movies for over a decade. It had now become a well-oiled machine and while not quite formulaic just yet was well on its way to becoming so. [...]
As a kid, I was a big fan of Godzilla movies. They were a mainstay on weekend afternoon television while I was growing up and they were always a treat. Sure, they were cheap, often silly, but there was an [...]
Cryptids & CrittersPaul Matthew Carr2024-09-01T13:29:18-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: