The trouble with writing a review immediately after an episode airs is there is no time to reflect. There is no time to see the episode from a historical sense; you can’t put it into the perspective of an entire [...]
Okay, this is a bit of a late post. From here on in all Doctor Who episode recaps will appear on Mondays, but this week was a little different. See, I didn’t watch the premiere on Saturday night with the [...]
Tonight the greatest television ever created and broadcast will return for its 8th or 34th season (depending on how you reckon such things). A new actor (Peter Capaldi) will be taking over the role of the Doctor and by all [...]
On an autumn night the full moon casts jagged shadows in the ancient forest of knarred trees. The man and the woman vacationing in the old village by the forest edge decide to go exploring by moonlight. The old innkeeper, [...]
It was a Saturday afternoon when I first met the Doctor, completely by accident. There was a Barbeque at my aunt’s house; I was dragged there by my mother. I was the only kid there. All the adults huddled together [...]
Frequent readers of this blog know that I’m a sucker for the Doctor. Who can do no wrong. Okay, there was this time in the mid-eighties with a guy in a colorful jacket, oh and the TV movie, but other [...]
Tachyon EmissionsPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:08:28-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: