Okay, look at that. Here it is April and I realized I haven’t posted any “What You Reading?” entries for the entire month of March. In my defense, it was a really busy month [...]
2020 was a strange time. (Understatement, I know.) As far as entertainment goes there wasn’t as much released (or at least not as much as had been scheduled) for obvious reasons [...]
The new season (series) of Doctor Who started yesterday and I feel I am required to say something about it. Typically this is not something I do, at least in the terms of a “hot take” or some such thing. [...]
The biggest news in Doctor Who-dom is of course the casting of a woman as the Doctor. Gasp, gasp – you ruined my childhood now all my memories are ruined because you got female all over them. How will I [...]
Doctor Who Week continues on DaddyElk! The Series 9 premiere is coming this Saturday and to celebrate we’re going to be doing all kinds of Who-related content starting with revisiting some old articles written for the 50th anniversary highlighting my [...]
Doctor Who Week continues on DaddyElk! The Series 9 premiere is coming this Saturday and to celebrate we’re going to be doing all kinds of Who-related content starting with revisiting some old articles written for the 50th anniversary highlighting my [...]
What they say in fandom is that the first Doctor you see, the one who is in place when you first start watching, is your Doctor; the one that all other Doctors are judged by...
Hello everyone! Perhaps you’ve noticed, there is this thing out there called the “Internet” and its become quite popular with the kids these days. If you haven’t heard of it I would first like to ask, how are you reading [...]
A bank robbery with a time travel twist. That’s new. Doctor Who has always been about crashing into different genres. The Doctor meets Shakespeare, the Doctor meets Frankenstein, the Doctor meets James Bond. The show is specifically built to be [...]
The trouble with writing a review immediately after an episode airs is there is no time to reflect. There is no time to see the episode from a historical sense; you can’t put it into the perspective of an entire [...]
Definite ArticlePaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:10:35-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: