As a kid I loved monsters. Not the ones that hid under the bed or lived in the closet obviously – those were terrifying and nightmare inducing if one actually managed to get to sleep [...]
The Collected edition podcast has put together a handy-dandy way of listening to all of our Halloween and horror-themed episodes [...]
The Monster of Frankenstein is an odd duck of a comic. It never seemed to know what it wanted to do with its premise [...]
Frankenstein is one of the few classic monster movies that I did not see on a Saturday afternoon on a UHF channel. No, this film was played in prime time [...]
Obviously after this there was no going back. Your childhood was over, years of therapy ensued, and Christmas – that most beloved of holidays – would never be the same again. Or not. [...]
The Mummy from 1932 is a classic. A flawed classic for sure, but a classic nonetheless. There are parts of this film that are truly brilliant and there are parts that are…well…not [...]
Monster MemoriesPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:13:15-06:00
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Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: