Doctor Who Week continues on DaddyElk! The Series 9 premiere is coming this Saturday and to celebrate we’re going to be doing all kinds of Who-related content starting with revisiting some old articles written for the 50th anniversary highlighting my [...]
Doctor Who Week continues on DaddyElk! The Series 9 premiere is coming this Saturday and to celebrate we’re going to be doing all kinds of Who-related content starting with revisiting some old articles written for the 50th anniversary highlighting my [...]
What they say in fandom is that the first Doctor you see, the one who is in place when you first start watching, is your Doctor; the one that all other Doctors are judged by...
Tachyon EmissionsPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:08:28-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: