Staring at Empty Pages: An Apology
So, there has not been a post in a couple of weeks. No original in several more. Why is this? Well, it seems I have taken an unplanned hiatus from the website. There are several reasons for this or as I like to call them “excuses”.
They are as follows:
- Illness. I have been suffering from a month long malaise. An overwhelming and general sense of yuck. Not enough to stop me from working, but just enough to stop me from doing anything productive.
- Procrastination. I am a master procrastinator. It is something I truly excel at. It is a skill I have harnessed over years of diligent practice, or would have had I not put it off repeatedly. I tend to watch in nervous anticipation as deadlines approach then wave in silent acceptance as they pass by. It is not something I am proud of; in fact I intend to do something about it. But, you know, later.
- Writer’s Block. This is a serious thing. And a winter thing. Specifically a February thing. Every time the second month of the year rolls around I dry up. Go empty. I stare at empty pages, blank screens. No words. It is frustrating and saddening. Miserable. I’m sure it’s psychological and I can do something about it. And I will, eventually (see item two).
Now, here it is March. And with it comes a renewed enthusiasm and inspiration. It is time to flex my creative muscles and exercise my mind. It is time to get into artistic swimsuit shape and … sheesh. I really haven’t written in a while. Note to self: work on metaphor.
So here’s what to expect in March:
- 4 new Temptations & Trespasses posts. One will be personal, one will be experimental and two will be particularly strange. Moving to Thursdays at noon (MST).
- A new feature Monster Memories. Part memoir, part movie review. All classic monsters.
- A new Short Story. A ghost story in fact, in its entirety. Although it will be spread out in two posts over two weeks. Worth the wait though.
- And several things about Disney World.
All in all very exciting and I am looking forward to sharing this with you. These are of course, my best laid plans.
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: