Writer • Artist • Podcaster

Paul Matthew Carr

Blogging about silly things and making things
up and then attempting to convince
people they are proper stories.
Talks into microphones as well.


& Tresspasses


Amateur Philosophy


Prog Rock






You Reading?

  • I sit and look out my back window into the yard behind my house. It is large and full of trees; a combination of fir and pine and aspen. On this day, early in the morning, it is cold and [...]

  • Hello everyone. If you have been a frequent visitor to this site you may have noticed that new content has been…well let’s say sporadic. Inconsistent is another way to put it. Non-existent might be more accurate. But let’s not quibble [...]

  • To say that Ralph Steadman has a distinctive style is a bit of an understatement. Primarily an illustrator and cartoonist, Steadman started his career in the 1960s and soon established himself as a counter-culture icon. I don’t really know how [...]

  • I’m going to post this with very little comment from me other than to welcome you to this month’s theme: FREEDOM. The reason for posting this should be fairly obvious [...]

  • When I was a boy we played games. We would gather at Mike’s house to decide what the game would be. Mike lived in the middle of the block so it was a centralized location and he had a stone [...]

  • Back when I was in High school I took an art history class where we studied the life and works of artists from the Renaissance to the modern period. I had by this time already fancied myself an artist [...]

  • I wheeled the bike from the garage and took a deep breath. It was the start of the lull week that happened every summer. The week when every kid I knew was off at camp and I was on my [...]

  • Keeping in April’s theme being “Rainfall” and National Poetry Month, I’d like to share another rain-based poem. This time it’s in the romantic tradition [...]

  • I’m not sure if this is going to work. Or if it will make any sense let alone be entertaining to read. I guess you can call this an experiment. I am going to write about some recent events in [...]

  • Another article about my birthday that I published eight years ago. Update: Still working on telling that story.  In a few days, I will turn 45 years old. A momentous occasion I have decided. It officially marks my exact middle [...]