The blood elevator scene, sometimes called the ‘river of blood,” from Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is a horrifying and disturbing image in a film full of horrifying and disturbing images. Upon watching it the scene produces in many – myself [...]
The Monster of Frankenstein is an odd duck of a comic. It never seemed to know what it wanted to do with its premise [...]
In the 1970s satanic cults were everywhere. Or at least that’s what popular culture would have you believe. In apartment complexes, suburban planned communities, and quiet rural towns – somewhere lurking beneath the all-too-normal exterior was a sinister group ready [...]
This image is made up of two things I really enjoy: Space stuff and psychedelic art. And not since the final section of 2001: A Space Odyssey has the two been blended so well together! In all seriousness, this is [...]
Brain Salad Surgery is the fourth studio album from prog-rock supergroup Emerson, Lake, & Palmer and is arguably their [...]
Do you want to hear a funny story? When I was a youngster way back in the 1970s my family owned a portable TV. It was bulky and kinda heavy and a little awkward to carry from place to place, [...]
1970s NostalgiaPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:08:47-06:00
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