April is, as I’m sure you are all aware, National Poetry Month! And to celebrate I thought I would share some poetry with you. But let’s be perfectly clear, not my own. I once wrote poetry. Long lilting things full [...]
It is the last day of vacation and I am full of conflicting emotions. The first is relief. Everyone is exhausted, sunburnt, the money is gone; it feels like it is time to return home, to the normal routine, to [...]
Oliver Sacks, the author of numerous books and essays including Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, is dying. Sacks, now 81, has cancer. He he has multiple metastases in the liver and the progress cannot [...]
The Big Game is mere hours away and my enthusiasm level is at an all-time low. You might even say it’s bordering on non-existent. This year’s Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks is one that [...]
I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never [...]
Happy New Year everyone. May the new year bring you joy and fortune. May you love and be loved by others. Paint your dreams and tell your story. Do not be afraid.
Happy Christmas everyone! Celebrate with a wonderful little mash-up by video editor and YouTuber James Covenent. It never fails to make me smile. And what is the best part? Say it with me, “Shut up Wesley!” So enjoy the day, [...]
Howdy Pardners! I figured it’s about time to rustle up another of them there Website Roundups. Recon you cowpokes wanna know what’s happenin’ in these parts and I aims to please. Yee haw! Yeah that was dumb. As I recall [...]
Wow, it seems like a long time between posts doesn’t it? That’s because, well, it has been a long time between posts. I took an impromptu and unplanned hiatus from the blog for about a month. (Quick note: impromptu and [...]
A friend of mine recently tagged me on Facebook to do the 10 Book Challenge. The idea is to come up with 10 books that have influenced you or inspired you or just really entertained the hell out of you, [...]
Paul Matthew CarrPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T10:57:31-06:00
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says:
Joe says: