Last night John Oliver on Last Week Tonight discussed the ridiculous reasons we in America waste nearly 1/3 of our food. We we throw enough food in this country to fill 730 football stadiums worth every year. That’s insane. Now [...]
Hello everyone! Perhaps you’ve noticed, there is this thing out there called the “Internet” and its become quite popular with the kids these days. If you haven’t heard of it I would first like to ask, how are you reading [...]
Howdy pardners! Tarnation it’s been might long time since we did one of these here Website Roundups! Reckon we just jump on in and get ‘er done?
Christopher Lee died last week. He was 93 years old. Lee was an actor with a career that spanned nearly 70 years and had become known recently for playing Saruman and Count Dooku in the Lord of the Rings and [...]
Before we begin let me acknowledge the fact that the title to this article is probably the worst pun I have come up with and actually posted for other human beings to see. I have not gone back through previous [...]
There are times when I write something so beautiful I can’t believe that I was the one who wrote it. I think for a moment that someone must have broken in while I slept and typed out a file on [...]
Ideas & ExcusesPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:05:29-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: