Opinions • Thoughts

Ideas & Excuses

“People do not seem to realize that
their opinion of the world is also
a confession of character.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Last night John Oliver on Last Week Tonight discussed the ridiculous reasons we in America waste nearly 1/3 of our food. We we throw enough food in this country to fill 730 football stadiums worth every year. That’s insane. Now [...]

  • Hello everyone! Perhaps you’ve noticed, there is this thing out there called the “Internet” and its become quite popular with the kids these days. If you haven’t heard of it I would first like to ask, how are you reading [...]

  • Howdy pardners! Tarnation it’s been might long time since we did one of these here Website Roundups! Reckon we just jump on in and get ‘er done?

  • Christopher Lee died last week. He was 93 years old. Lee was an actor with a career that spanned nearly 70 years and had become known recently for playing Saruman and Count Dooku in the Lord of the Rings and [...]

  • Before we begin let me acknowledge the fact that the title to this article is probably the worst pun I have come up with and actually posted for other human beings to see. I have not gone back through previous [...]

  • There are times when I write something so beautiful I can’t believe that I was the one who wrote it. I think for a moment that someone must have broken in while I slept and typed out a file on [...]