The Super Bowl is nearly upon us and there are some burning questions that need answered. Questions about Peyton Manning. Questions about Cam Newton. Questions bout the Broncos and Panthers in general. And there are questions about a certain numbering [...]
It’s a brand new year full of possibilities and new opportunities. It is a time to look back at what has been and to look forward to what could be. It is a time to make resolutions. A time make [...]
The Star Wars prequels have been the Internet’s whipping boy for quite a long time. People love to trash the prequels. This is understandable because they are not, you know, good. But they’re not exactly bad either, there are some [...]
With Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiering on the 18th my nerdself can’t help but obsess in anticipation. So I will be posting several things leading up to the release date. First off something I wrote last year when I [...]
I am normally not one who lingers on disaster. I don’t feel the need focus on failure or tragedy. It just does nothing for me. When confronted by something terrible or embarrassing I can usually just let it pass by; if [...]
Okay kids, this is where it gets complicated. It’s 1985, I’m sixteen years old and the Doctor has just strangled his companion. And that’s when I left. Except for a couple of episodes in the McCoy era I would not [...]
Ideas & ExcusesPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:05:29-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: