Writer • Artist • Podcaster

Paul Matthew Carr

Blogging about silly things and making things
up and then attempting to convince
people they are proper stories.
Talks into microphones as well.


& Tresspasses


Amateur Philosophy


Prog Rock






You Reading?

  • Sixteen. Sixteen was a good year. Oh, to be sure it was a year of fear and social awkwardness. For a year I spent the majority of the time confused and unaware of my surroundings and my place in them. [...]

  • It all begins with the Romans. They had a God named Janus who was the god of doors and gates and new beginnings. Janus had two faces, one looking back into the past and the other looking forward [...]

  • Recently this site was attacked by that most dreadful of foes, an army of relentless and tireless robots; robots with only one goal, to deliver their package of evil and horror. A payload so unpleasant we of the civilized world [...]

  • On an episode of the Collected Edition we discuss the classic Spider-Man story Kraven’s Last Hunt also known as “Fearful Symmetry” [...]

  • The Monster of Frankenstein is an odd duck of a comic. It never seemed to know what it wanted to do with its premise [...]

  • The blood elevator scene, sometimes called the ‘river of blood,” from Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is a horrifying and disturbing image in a film full of horrifying and disturbing images.  Upon watching it the scene produces in many – myself [...]

  • The bridge is tall and narrow. It is made of metal constructed in a triangular pattern with rivets visible along its span. The suspension tower rises far into the sky, and the cables that keep the road suspended are thick, [...]

  • On my 16th birthday, my brother gave me a copy of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and it changed my life forever. Not really. It would be nice if it did, if it worked that way. Like a movie, all [...]

  • On Saturday, November 23rd, 1963 at approximately 16 minutes and 20 seconds past 5 pm the greatest cultural achievement ever created by human beings premiered on British television [...]

  • My first trip to the Faraway Lands came through a Magical Box and was quite unexpected. It happened when I was seven years old and grounded. Now, to my knowledge, there are three ways to get to the Faraway Lands. [...]