I Didn’t Sleep for Years: The Man-Thing – Night of the Laughing Dead!

By Last Updated: January 2, 2023Views: 4782

Do you like suicidal clowns? Do you like suicidal clowns that come back as creepy, sad ghosts? Do you like 70s pseudo-hippies exchanging youthful dialogue? Don’t answer yet! How about fiery death in cars and lots of punching? Would you like all this and a monstrous swamp creature that can burn your fear with his touch? Then you’re in luck, my friend. You get all this and more in The Man-Thing – Night of the Laughing Dead!

This rousing tale was put out on Power Records in 1974 as a book and 45 sets. I’m pretty sure the intent was to scar the psyches of young children for decades. And it succeeds in grand style! I was given this set as a gift. I sat in my darkened basement with my miniature 45 player (made of plastic and shaped like a suitcase) and played my new story. I believe I began sleeping through the night again around 1985.

Listening to it now some of the edges has been taken off but it is still creepy as hell.

Oh, as an added bonus the narrator was none other than Peter Fernandez, the voice of Speed Racer and Racer X.

Give a listen…if you dare.

Copyright 1974 Marvel Comics. All rights reserved. Produced by Herb Davidson and Charlotte Saunders. Written by Steve Gerber, art by Mike Ploog and Frank Chiaramonte.

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