I love science fiction. A simple perusal of this site and you could pick that up pretty quickly. And science fiction movies in particular are my favorite way of mine to pass the time [...]
Hello everyone. If you have been a frequent visitor to this site you may have noticed that new content has been…well let’s say sporadic. Inconsistent is another way to put it. Non-existent might be more accurate. But let’s not quibble [...]
The Collected Edition is a comic book podcast hosted by Paul Matthew Carr and Brian Reese. These are some recent episodes we think you will enjoy [...]
The Mummy from 1932 is a classic. A flawed classic for sure, but a classic nonetheless. There are parts of this film that are truly brilliant and there are parts that are…well…not [...]
An invisible man must be one of the more bizarre choices for a monster. First of all it’s not really a monster, not in the classical sense anyway. He is, after all, just a man. A deranged man, sure, but just a man nonetheless [...]
Tod Browning’s 1931 adaptation of Dracula is the granddaddy of them all, the film the launched the Classic Monster films of Universal. The Universal cinematic universe if you will [...]
By 1941 Universal had been making monster movies for over a decade. It had now become a well-oiled machine and while not quite formulaic just yet was well on its way to becoming so. [...]
To say that Ralph Steadman has a distinctive style is a bit of an understatement. Primarily an illustrator and cartoonist, Steadman started his career in the 1960s and soon established himself as a counter-culture icon. I don’t really know how [...]
I’m going to post this with very little comment from me other than to welcome you to this month’s theme: FREEDOM. The reason for posting this should be fairly obvious [...]
When I was a boy we played games. We would gather at Mike’s house to decide what the game would be. Mike lived in the middle of the block so it was a centralized location and he had a stone [...]