As we know Leonard Nimoy passed away last week and to remember him NASA has released several images. This one from 1976 shows the cast of Star Trek witnessing the roll out of the shuttle named after the iconic ship [...]
This is an image of the “Little Sombrero” galaxy, a spiral galaxy seen on its edge and called sombrero because it looks absolutely nothing like a type of wide-brimmed hat from Mexico. Or maybe it does if you have spent [...]
Oliver Sacks, the author of numerous books and essays including Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, is dying. Sacks, now 81, has cancer. He he has multiple metastases in the liver and the progress cannot [...]
Okay, let’s face it, this is cool. Now, this could mean: A) This is a benevolent gesture by the vast collective consciousness to put us at ease and let us know we are on the right path. Or… B) Maybe [...]
Here we have a clear and distinct image of the Star Child on his way from Europa. No, that’s silly. It’s really the cosmic cocoon of Adam Warlock obviously. Anyone can see that. In reality it is Arp 230 a [...]
Okay, so this post is basically for my own benefit. This handy-dandy little graphic from Comics Alliance is a great resource for planning all one’s geek related movie experiences and I wanted it in a place I could refer back [...]
I live in Colorado, not too far from Rocky Mountain National Park. It is one of the beautiful places you will visit on this Earth. Who knew it looked really cool from space too? Colorado is wonderful from all angles. [...]