Breaking news! The Cassini spacecraft has determined that the rings around Saturn are actually an enormous vinyl LP! A new mission has been announced to send a giant stylus and needle to Saturn to determine what album it is. Theories [...]
So gather ’round math fans, preferably in a circle, as we celebrate a one-in-a-century day of Pi. We all know that March 14 (3/14) is Pi Day but this year we get something very special. Because it is 2015 we [...]
The man in blue comes by everyday. He walks in the front yard, steps through the flowerbed. He leaves me things by the front door, but I just throw them away without looking. He thinks he can scare me, intimidate [...]
Fun fact: Dusty Galaxy was actually my stripper name back in the 70s. I kid of course, I had a completely different stripper name. Anyhoo…space. I absolutely love these images. Exploding stars from long ago and galaxies that look like [...]
Does it say something about me that this image has stuck with me for forty years? As a kid, I had this issue, and this panel in particular I thought was one of the coolest things I had ever seen. [...]
I spend a lot of time on the internet. Its a way to pass the time for sure, but its also part of my job. If you get a chance to be paid to surf the net I recommend that [...]
Last week while having breakfast and drinking my morning coffee my daughter looked up from her smart phone and said, “Oh no, Spock died.” I knew immediately what she meant. The actor, Leonard Nimoy, the man who portrayed Spock on [...]