When I was about to launch my book tour a few years ago, I was nervous about reading in public—I tend to mumble, and have never been a good storyteller [...]
In Center City, Philadelphia on the intersection of 15th Street and JFK Boulevard sits a sculpture that has become an iconic symbol of the city [...]
A long time ago, way back in college, I had an apartment two blocks off Height Street in San Francisco. It was a nondescript thing just a box on the third floor where the “rooms” were defined by how you [...]
Jack began to think the wound was superficial because there was no pain. Sure, there was pain when the knife went in, sharp and cold, but now there was nothing. He was numb. Sleep. That was all that was needed, [...]
Spring is traditionally a time of new beginnings, and this spring is no different. But oh, what a difference. This spring, new beginnings are tied to new endings—the ending of so many lives, the ending of our way of life [...]
Sixteen. Sixteen was a good year. Oh, to be sure it was a year of fear and social awkwardness. For a year I spent the majority of the time confused and unaware of my surroundings and my place in them. [...]
It all begins with the Romans. They had a God named Janus who was the god of doors and gates and new beginnings. Janus had two faces, one looking back into the past and the other looking forward [...]
Christmas Day, 1999. Twenty years ago. Was I at home in New York, a gentle snow falling outside, while inside blazed a warm fire in the fireplace, with presents under the Christmas tree […]
Everyone remembers how when Santa was an infant he was abandoned in the woods in a snow bank till the personification of the forest found him and gave him to a lioness [...]
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Sure, that’s a given. People seem to enjoy the colored lights, the slowly dying tree in the living room, and the glitter. Oh, and the gifts. People seem to really like [...]