Website Roundup: August Edition

By Last Updated: September 1, 2015Views: 2590

Howdy y’all and welcome to another one of dem dare Website Roundups! Y’all know the drill by now, I write in a deeply flawed cowboy vernacular and attempt to be clever and funny while saying “yee haw!” several times before growing tired of it and moving on.

So that happened.

The other thing I do in deez here (ahem, sorry) in these articles is to give a run down of what has been happening on DaddyElk and to give a look ahead to what is being planned for the future. I fully admit that these articles are of more benefit to me than to the general reading public, but if you hang a bout for a bit there’s trivia later. So that will be fun.

There has been a lot going on lately…unfortunately it has not been reflected on this site. Weird how that happens. The more that goes on in real life the more I want to write about it on this blog but there is so much going on in real life that I don’t have time to write about it on this blog. Oh irony, you are so ironic sometimes.

But several writing projects are under way – including a novel. I know! I’ve always been reluctant to write a novel for various reasons but I have this one short story that wanted to just keep going on and on till one day I realized, hey, I guess its a novel. Well I suppose it could be a novella at this point but let’s not quibble.

And the second edition of my podcast project will be posted soon, probably this week if I can edit down my rambling to a coherent and listenable length.

And all of the site features will continue with new entries once a week  – ON TIME – as well as at least one new thing I’ve been kicking around with that has to do with horror and monsters and stuff. So that’s exciting. Yee haw.

Okay you’ve be patient with my rambling, here’s some…

August Trivia

August was named after the emperor Augustus and he actually died in August. I’ll leave you to decide if that was planned.

August also has 31 days because Augustus wanted to have as many days as Julius Caesar had in his month (July) and so he stole a day fro February. Emperors, what are you gonna do?

August is the only name of a month that features among the top 1,000 men’s names and 22% of Norwegians named August were born in August. That is the most random fact about Norwegians I will ever write.

August is (among other things):

  • Admit You Are Happy Month
  • Cataract Awareness Month (didn’t see that coming)
  • Get Ready for Kindergarten Month
  • Goat Cheese Month
  • Sandwich Month
  • Romance Awareness Month (which may be combined with Sandwich Month in some places)
  • Water Quality Month
  • What Will Be Your Legacy Month

During the month of August, the Great Solar Wheel of the Year is turned to Lammas, one of the four Grand Sabbats celebrated each year by Wiccans and modern Witches throughout the world. I don’t know what that means but it sounds impressive.

So there we have it folks, have yourself a goat cheese sandwich wash it down with a filtered glass of water in the company of your lover and/or spouse knowing your legacy will be a happy one even if you didn’t see in coming. (Had a hard time working kindergarten in there for some reason.)

See y’all soon. Yee haw.

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