Theme for Autumn

The Fall

“The thinnest yellow light of November
is more warming and exhilarating
than any wine they tell of.

― Henry David Thoreau

  • Christmas Day, 1999. Twenty years ago. Was I at home in New York, a gentle snow falling outside, while inside blazed a warm fire in the fireplace, with presents under the Christmas tree […]

  • I sat for a long time at the bar. I tried to chat with Stephen, it was too busy. I wandered to the buffet table then through the main dining room, my eye caught the front door and I made [...]

  • I stand atop the Sand Dunes at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo, the blood of Christ, my back to the wind. The sand swirls around me, my pockets fill with it, and my feet sink in it till [...]

  • Once, a long time ago, I stood in the sky far above the world. The observation deck of the World Trade Center was more than 1000 feet high. The windows were wide, floor-to-ceiling glass. The first thing I did was [...]

  • So, 2020 was a bit of a challenge. As I have already talked about (here and here) 2020 was not the best time I ever had. On a personal level, it was – to use a technical term – a [...]

  • And so it goes. 2020 continues its endless slog into the dark night of the soul that has been thrust upon us by the ruthlessness of nature, the cruelty of fate, and the incompetence of man. I would say it’s [...]