The poem 'Halloween' follows the narrator as he seeks out the supernatural on Halloween night, and to his delight finds it [...]
The Monster of Frankenstein is an odd duck of a comic. It never seemed to know what it wanted to do with its premise [...]
Frankenstein is one of the few classic monster movies that I did not see on a Saturday afternoon on a UHF channel. No, this film was played in prime time [...] it as cool as actually changing into an animal. There are those who can of course and I have made a list of my top 5 favorites.[...]
Horror as a genre is an unusual beast. It is on the surface just a way to illicit scares, to give you a momentary burst of adrenalin. Other times it is a way to repulse you [...]
Nothing says Halloween like a mask. (Well, maybe a pumpkin. Or a ghost. Or a skeleton, or a black cat, or a witch. Or candy. Look a lot of things say Halloween [...]
Theme: HalloweenPaul Matthew Carr2024-10-01T10:16:54-06:00
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Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: