Theme for October


“But come forth on Halloween.
‘All the spirits, good and evil,
fay and pixie, witch and wizard,
on this night will sure be stirring.’”
Arthur Peterson, “Halloween”

  • “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” has for a long time been my favorite “ghost story,” not solely because of how well it is told, but also because it is, for me, a “local” tale, in that I grew up in [...]

  • In the darkness, you were dreaming. Dreaming and that is all. You did not see what you thought you saw. You did not experience what you thought you thought was so real. There was not a shape, a shape in [...]

  • The blood elevator scene, sometimes called the ‘river of blood,” from Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is a horrifying and disturbing image in a film full of horrifying and disturbing images.  Upon watching it the scene produces in many – myself [...]

  • As a kid I loved monsters. Not the ones that hid under the bed or lived in the closet obviously – those were terrifying and nightmare inducing if one actually managed to get to sleep [...]

  • There are many (many, many, many) podcasts about horror out there for your listening enjoyment. They fall into basically two categories - informative and dramatic [...]

  • The Collected edition podcast has put together a handy-dandy way of listening to all of our Halloween and horror-themed episodes [...]