Theme for August


“One Need Not Be A Chamber—
To Be Haunted—
One Need Not Be A House—
The Brain Has Corridors—Surpassing
Material Place—”
― Emily Dickinson

  • “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” has for a long time been my favorite “ghost story,” not solely because of how well it is told, but also because it is, for me, a “local” tale, in that I grew up in [...]

  • As a kid I loved monsters. Not the ones that hid under the bed or lived in the closet obviously – those were terrifying and nightmare inducing if one actually managed to get to sleep [...]

  • Once, a long time ago, I told you I would love you forever. I never intended to lie to you. I am back in San Francisco, the place where we once lived together. It has been … what now? 15 [...]

  • The past is not romantic. It is not an adventure. It is not a drama. It is neither a comedy nor a tragedy. It is not any of these things. But it is all of these things. Because memory cheats. [...]

  • I am driving home from work in the rain. The traffic is heavy and I am upset. Not at anything, in particular, just a strange combination of angry-sad, non-focused malaise. I have a feeling of something is wrong, there is [...]

  • We shared our first kiss under the cherry blossom tree. It was perfect, like a scene from the movies. I stared into her eyes and brushed her soft hair from her delicate face. I saw the blood rush to her [...]