“The Masque of the Red Death” is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe originally published in 1842. It tells the story of a group of wealthy nobles attempting to avoid a plague [...]
A long time ago, way back in college, I had an apartment two blocks off Height Street in San Francisco. It was a nondescript thing just a box on the third floor where the “rooms” were defined by how you […]
Do you want to hear a funny story? When I was a youngster way back in the 1970s my family owned a portable TV. It was bulky and kinda heavy and a little awkward to carry from place to place, […]
With the release of Action Comics #1000 and the 80th anniversary of Superman I thought it was high time to revisit the greatest superhero of all…Bicycle Repairman! [...]
Theme: Carnival TimePaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T10:46:44-06:00
Andy Garcia says:
Joe says:
Paul Matthew Carr says: