Spring is traditionally a time of new beginnings, and this spring is no different. But oh, what a difference. This spring, new beginnings are tied to new endings—the ending of so many lives, the ending of our way of life [...]
Sixteen. Sixteen was a good year. Oh, to be sure it was a year of fear and social awkwardness. For a year I spent the majority of the time confused and unaware of my surroundings and my place in them. [...]
It is a question we’ve all been asked at least once at some point in our childhood. And the answer, at least for me, would change depending on the time and place or the frame of mind I was in. [...]
The past is not romantic. It is not an adventure. It is not a drama. It is neither a comedy nor a tragedy. It is not any of these things. But it is all of these things. Because memory cheats. [...]
I am driving home from work in the rain. The traffic is heavy and I am upset. Not at anything, in particular, just a strange combination of angry-sad, non-focused malaise. I have a feeling of something is wrong, there is [...]
I stand atop the Sand Dunes at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo, the blood of Christ, my back to the wind. The sand swirls around me, my pockets fill with it, and my feet sink in it till [...]
Theme: New BeginningsPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T10:55:34-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: