Creative Memoir

Temptations &

Stories and sketches drawn from real
events but with slight embellishments
added for entertainment purposes.

  • Sixteen. Sixteen was a good year. Oh, to be sure it was a year of fear and social awkwardness. For a year I spent the majority of the time confused and unaware of my surroundings and my place in them. [...]

  • On my 16th birthday, my brother gave me a copy of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and it changed my life forever. Not really. It would be nice if it did, if it worked that way. Like a movie, all [...]

  • My first trip to the Faraway Lands came through a Magical Box and was quite unexpected. It happened when I was seven years old and grounded. Now, to my knowledge, there are three ways to get to the Faraway Lands. [...]

  • It’s my birthday today, so here’s a little thing I wrote more than 10 years ago about getting older. See? Even this post is aging. Still is relevant though.  I’ve always enjoyed getting older. That may come as a surprise [...]

  • It is a question we’ve all been asked at least once at some point in our childhood. And the answer, at least for me, would change depending on the time and place or the frame of mind I was in. [...]

  • Once, a long time ago, I told you I would love you forever. I never intended to lie to you. I am back in San Francisco, the place where we once lived together. It has been … what now? 15 [...]