Supermoon Over Colorado

By Last Updated: September 28, 2015Views: 2626

Last night’s Supermoon eclipse was a pretty amazing thing to behold. Well, I thought it was cool.

What’s a Supermoon you ask? Glad you asked imaginary voice in my head because over at IO9 it was explained it very well:

A “Supermoon” is simply what happens when a full moon coincides with the Moon being at its closest point to Earth. Reports you’ve heard of an OMG GIANT MOON are exaggerated—yes, the Supermoon will look bigger, but it tops out at 14% larger…. During a lunar eclipse, the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow and hiding in the Earth’s Shadow shades the Moon a distinct red color. On September 27, we’ll be seeing both of these two phenomenon paired together for the first time since 1982 to create a Supermoon Eclipse—and it’s the only shot you’ll get at seeing it until 2033.

So here’s a great image of the moon behind the Colorado State Capitol building which I particularly love because a) I live in Colorado and b) I’m a big fan of the moon. I would even go so far as to say the moon is always super, am I right?

Do you have any good pictures of the moon you want to share? Super or otherwise?

Image credit: Behind the Colorado State Capitol Building (NASA/Bill Ingalls).

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