Sidney Keyes is considered one of the great poets of WWII. Keyes was something of a prodigy writing more than 110 poems in his short lifetime {...}
Query Letters for book-length manuscripts and/or agent representation The last in our ‘How to Get Published’ series. This time the focus is on getting representation and writing a great query letter. As always special thanks go out to David Hicks [...]
A list of useful websites of literary magazines, small presses, and book publishers. One of the things I’ve always been frustrated/confused/ignorant of has been the nuts and bolts of the submission process. Where to submit and when and how. Below [...]
Part two of the useful information needed to get yourself published. Okay, so you’ve found the right publisher(s) and now you want to submit your masterpiece – what do you do? Below you will find three simple steps to follow [...]
Outside Iran and Persian speaking countries, Khayyám has had an impact on literature and societies through the translation of his works and popularization by other scholars [...]
Ideas & ExcusesPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:05:29-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: