Howdy Pardners! I figured it’s about time to rustle up another of them there Website Roundups. Recon you cowpokes wanna know what’s happenin’ in these parts and I aims to please. Yee haw! Yeah that was dumb. As I recall [...]
There is a thing called “channel drift”. It is a phenomenon where a particular station or network starts out with a theme, a stated purpose and slowly over time drifts away from that and becomes something else entirely. It’s like [...]
Wow, it seems like a long time between posts doesn’t it? That’s because, well, it has been a long time between posts. I took an impromptu and unplanned hiatus from the blog for about a month. (Quick note: impromptu and [...]
A bank robbery with a time travel twist. That’s new. Doctor Who has always been about crashing into different genres. The Doctor meets Shakespeare, the Doctor meets Frankenstein, the Doctor meets James Bond. The show is specifically built to be [...]
My goodness Mr. Gatiss loves his references and callbacks doesn’t he? He name drops the Ice Warriors and having met Richard the Lionheart (The Crusade), mentions the miniscope (Carnivale of Monsters) and even has the Doctor pull off a man’s [...]
The trouble with writing a review immediately after an episode airs is there is no time to reflect. There is no time to see the episode from a historical sense; you can’t put it into the perspective of an entire [...]
Ideas & ExcusesPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:05:29-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: