Country Road (100 Word Stories)

By Last Updated: May 1, 2024Views: 3087

I remember walking down a country road in springtime. It was after sunrise and I had wandered away while the others slept. A wooden fence lined each side of the road; in the fields beyond I knew there would one day be corn but there was only the sewn earth ready to grow. The fence posts seemed impossibly tall, like giants guarding the road. I was alone in a giant’s world and I was very small, very young. I thought about going home then, safer, but decided instead to run.

Not running away but toward something I did not know.

This brief excerpt is taken from a short story called “Giants” which is much longer and may or may not involve magic. It does deal with imagination and loneliness and growing up in general. If you would like to know more about this story or perhaps even read the entire thing you can contact me here or send me a message on Twitter. Or leave a comment below.

Cheers, Paul Matthew.

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