• A list of useful websites of literary magazines, small presses, and book publishers. One of the things I’ve always been frustrated/confused/ignorant of has been the nuts and bolts of the submission process. Where to submit and when and how. Below [...]

  • Part two of the useful information needed to get yourself published. Okay, so you’ve found the right publisher(s) and now you want to submit your masterpiece  – what do you do? Below you will find three simple steps to follow [...]

  • Jacqueline Kharouf kindly gave me permission to post an excerpt from a craft lesson I had the privilege of attending. You should really check out the whole thing at the link below, well worth it. Thanks, JK. “The following is [...]

  • I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t drawing. It’s quite possible that I was born with a pencil in my hand because I don’t ever remember not having one around and at easy reach. One of my earliest and [...]

  • I have been writing (or more simply “making stuff up”) since an early age. I wrote and made stuff up throughout High School and College but it wasn’t until the early 2000s that I began to write seriously and with [...]

  • 2011 |  Pastel – Chalk –  Acrylic  | on paper

  • Outside Iran and Persian speaking countries, Khayyám has had an impact on literature and societies through the translation of his works and popularization by other scholars [...]

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