Happy Christmas everyone! Celebrate with a wonderful little mash-up by video editor and YouTuber James Covenent. It never fails to make me smile. And what is the best part? Say it with me, “Shut up Wesley!” So enjoy the day, [...]
It’s like a giant Christmas ornament in the sky! Not really. Still, pretty cool though. Be sure to watch the video at the bottom. Imagery of a Solar Flare The sun emitted a significant solar flare, peaking at 7:28 p.m. [...]
The Hubble telescope, best invention ever. The brightly glowing plumes seen in this image are reminiscent of an underwater scene, with turquoise-tinted currents and nebulous strands reaching out into the surroundings. However, this is no ocean. This image actually shows [...]
This is story fuel. It reminds me of the pictures you used to see in the 60s, I almost expect to see an astronaut emerge from the capsule. Or an alien! (dun dun duuuunnnnn) A great angle showing the beautiful [...]
Howdy Pardners! I figured it’s about time to rustle up another of them there Website Roundups. Recon you cowpokes wanna know what’s happenin’ in these parts and I aims to please. Yee haw! Yeah that was dumb. As I recall [...]
I guess there is a trend starting to assert itself. The images from NASA are very diverse from weather patterns and spacecraft launches and general land-based activities. But I seem to be drawn to the “artistic” images. That is what [...]