What they say in fandom is that the first Doctor you see, the one who is in place when you first start watching, is your Doctor; the one that all other Doctors are judged by...
A few weeks ago Chris Squire died of acute erythroid leukemia, he was 67 years old. Now its a fair bet that most of you reading this probably have no idea who Chris Squire is but if you do you [...]
Howdy y’all and welcome to another one of dem dare Website Roundups! Y’all know the drill by now, I write in a deeply flawed cowboy vernacular and attempt to be clever and funny while saying “yee haw!” several times before [...]
Long thought vanquished at the end of the Third Age, Sauron, that foul deceiver of men, has been spotted by the Hubble telescope in the nether regions of the Galaxy. Upon seeing the image a noted astronomer described it as,”rimmed [...]
So the Hugos happened and it was a quiet, run-of-the-mill affair with nothing out of the ordinary or unusual to speak of… Unless of course you take into account that this was the most controversial and contested slate of nominees [...]
Yet another example of why Hubble is awesome. A beautiful image of dizzying brilliance that puts the immensity of creation in a humbling perspective and should make you wonder at the vast, incomprehensible universe that we are but a small, [...]
I remember walking down a country road in springtime. It was after sunrise and I had wandered away while the others slept. A wooden fence lined each side of the road; in the fields beyond I knew there would one [...]
Last week I had the privilege of seeing the legendary Blue Moon while way out in the wild of Colorado without the intrusion of city lights mucking things up. It was pretty spectacular and I was lucky to do so [...]