“The most unfettered imagination belongs to young people, and they don’t walk through life; they fly” – Rod Serling in 1963. Blank on Blank is a series of short animations featuring snippets of conversation and interviews of various celebrities and [...]
This is something that has been in the works for quite a while. In fact it has been taking up most of my free time and really eating into my writing/recording schedule (not to mention my reading for pleasure schedule [...]
The philosophy of motivation. Ta-Nehisi Coates and Brian Stelfreeze‘s second issue of Black Panther builds directly off the world-building setup of the first. Now that the players have been identified and the political chessboard set, it is time to go a [...]
Tell me if you’ve heard this before: These kids today are spoiled and lazy. The expect everything to be handed to them on a platter. They don’t know the value of a dollar, and they don’t want to work hard. [...]
Its always lovely to see the world from a different perspective. So far 2016 has been a year of loss, confrontation, violence and a bat-shit crazy election. It can be easy to think that everything falling apart; that all is [...]
Last night our dog Pippin died. He was a beagle so that means he was stubborn and strong-willed and barked for no discernible reason. It also means that he was loving and affectionate and adorable as all get out. Pippin [...]