I saw Logan a week ago and if I were a good blogger/critic I would have immediately wrote up my thoughts and threw them out there for the world to see with a clickbait-able title and some snarky and/or gushing [...]
Usually when ones hears the words “viscous flow” you are not expecting to see something beautiful. No, usually it is preceded by the question: “Does this look infected?” and followed by the answer: “Dude, you should see a doctor.” But [...]
Goodnight Miss Calabash Nebula, wherever you are! (If you get that joke, congratulations! You’re old). So here is another example of the universe being beautiful in the throws of death. I mean, if you’re a sun and you’re gonna die it [...]
Editor’s Note: I originality wrote this back in 2015 I thought it could use a re-post. My great-great-grandfather came here from Ireland. He did so to escape famine, civil war and oppression. He left everything he knew – family, [...]
So 2016 is over (finally) and it was…let’s go with interesting. But amid all the disappointment, despair and downright disgust (lots of alliteration – eat your heat out Stan Lee) there was one bright point – The end credit song [...]
2016 was not a good year. I could mention the abundance of celebrity deaths or the uncivil election or the discouraging decisions in Europe as the reasons for the awfulness of the year. Or on a smaller scale there were [...]
Normally I would say something snarky or goofy here but this image speaks for itself really, no need to embellish with my customary silliness. It’s stunning. Just a great example of the Universe being awesome. And here, at the end of [...]
In absolutely stunning news the folks at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory have discovered that the surface of Mars is actually a giant candy bar – chocolate to be precise. Deep, flowing oceans of creamy milk chocolate swirl between vast chunks [...]
“The most unfettered imagination belongs to young people, and they don’t walk through life; they fly” – Rod Serling in 1963. Blank on Blank is a series of short animations featuring snippets of conversation and interviews of various celebrities and [...]