• 2011 | Pastel – Chalk – Acrylic | on paper originally published November 21, 2011

  • There are certain ideas that have become common beliefs. They are used so often and have been repeated so many times that we just assume they are true. Call them what you will – misconceptions or myths or outright lies [...]

  • I woke up this morning and found myself 50 years old. It is a significant moment, a momentous occasion, a milestone worthy of celebration and revelry. Except that it isn’t. You see I don’t feel any different than I ever [...]

  • I was in Prague on a Fulbright scholarship, teaching at the venerable Charles University and living in the Letna/Holesovice neighborhood called Prague 7. My first month, February, was gray and rainy [...]

  • The theme on the website this month is isolation so we have put together a list of 6 songs on that theme. Now there are many, many, many (manymanymany) many songs about loneliness, being alone, separation, etc. that we could [...]

  • It’s President’s Day and we all have the day off. Well, most of us have the day off. If you live in the United States. When you think of it that way I suppose that the majority of the world does not have the day off [...]

  • Do you want to hear a funny story? When I was a youngster way back in the 1970s my family owned a portable TV. It was bulky and kinda heavy and a little awkward to carry from place to place, [...]

  • Since I started DaddyElk I’ve been asked several times just what the heck the name means. Well, I wish there was some deep, symbolic meaning behind it but it comes from a very simple source. Just a simple story. It [...]

  • I typically do not write about first issues of a comic book because – for me – I find the first issue to be the least exciting. Nowadays a first issue is the one that does the heavy lifting in terms of setting up the premise [...]

  • I am a lover of genre fiction – specifically scifi and fantasy. And in the case of fantasy I feel that it gets a bad rap. I understand that when it is done poorly it [...]

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