Found Footage: An Old Sketchbook from 1990

By Last Updated: October 14, 2020Views: 3088

Sometimes the past just falls on top of you when your not looking. In this case it was literal not metaphorical. I was cleaning a closet and as I pulled a box down from a high shelf a hard cover sketch book fell and hit me over the head.

Most pages were smudged, illegable but a few images were okay. They are crude and quick but they have a style that is still me. These were drawn in San Francisco when I lived with artists and knew I would change the world. Two are of real people. A soft, gentle rendering of Vicki who I was in love with at the time. Another of a roommate, Davin, sleeping mid-day on the living room couch. The others are quick thoughts and ideas.

The image above I am particularly fond of, it could have been done yesterday. A clown face, bright colors and minimal. These images are raw. Just a number 2 pencil and black sheet of paper. This is what I’ve been doing my entire life. Most of it is gone. It was nice to find a little bit.

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