Why Do I Write?

By Last Updated: October 14, 2020Views: 2633

I have been writing (or more simply “making stuff up”) since an early age. I wrote and made stuff up throughout High School and College but it wasn’t until the early 2000s that I began to write seriously and with a passion.

It was at this time that I began to study under the author David Hicks, attending several classes, retreats and seminars where I learned to hone my craft and refine my style. It was under David’s tutelage that I began to find my voice.

I write mostly short stories and novellas (I’ve even tried my hand at poetry but I don’t like to talk about it) and although these are works of fiction my stories are deeply personal, often depicting real events and drawing on deep emotion to enhance the narrative.

But if I’m completely honest I get the most pleasure from writing ghost stories and a good ol’ fantasy yarns.

I continues to study under David Hicks and am a member of the Denver Highlands Writing Group. I am currently working on my first novel and continue to plug away at various short stories in several genres.

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