My father is long gone, having died in January 2007, and at first he seemed to hang around—at the foot of my bed, threatening to twist my toe to wake me up; across from me at my desk, telling me I might be working too hard [...]
To say that Ralph Steadman has a distinctive style is a bit of an understatement. Primarily an illustrator and cartoonist, Steadman started his career in the 1960s and soon established himself as a counter-culture icon. I don’t really know how [...]
I wheeled the bike from the garage and took a deep breath. It was the start of the lull week that happened every summer. The week when every kid I knew was off at camp and I was on my [...]
The theme on the website this month is isolation so we have put together a list of 6 songs on that theme. Now there are many, many, many (manymanymany) many songs about loneliness, being alone, separation, etc. that we could [...]
Is it possible for a television program to be transcendent? Is it possible for a show to reach a level of perfection that causes all others to pale in comparison and subsequently make all others seem meaningless? Actually, the answer [...]
There is a soundtrack to my life. Its always been there, playing in the background. Certain songs and certain musicians informing my actions consciously or unconsciously; creating memories, intertwining, becoming inseparable from that moment in time. A man who created [...]
Theme: GhostsPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T10:51:13-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: