Howdy everyone, I reckon it’s time for one of deez here website roundups like I used to do…yee haw! Okay, so in the past, I (Paul Matthew Carr) used to do these periodic updates on the “state of the site” [...]
And so it goes. 2020 continues its endless slog into the dark night of the soul that has been thrust upon us by the ruthlessness of nature, the cruelty of fate, and the incompetence of man. I would say it’s [...]
Summertime is finally here and along with it a long list of things to do as well. Well, okay, summer isn’t technically here yet. But all the signs point to it. The sun is shining longer in the sky and [...]
The new season (series) of Doctor Who started yesterday and I feel I am required to say something about it. Typically this is not something I do, at least in the terms of a “hot take” or some such thing. [...]
Growing up my Saturday afternoons would be spent with creatures, monsters, ghosts, ghouls, murderers, and mad scientists. Beginning around one o’clock I would settle down in front of our 17″ Sony Trinitron (complete with simulated wood grain plastic sides) with [...]
David Hicks published his first novel, White Plains, last year and then proceeded to launch a whirlwind tour of the USA to promote it. This he did on his own with very little support from his publisher and was basically [...]
Ideas & ExcusesPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:05:29-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: