A friend of mine recently tagged me on Facebook to do the 10 Book Challenge. The idea is to come up with 10 books that have influenced you or inspired you or just really entertained the hell out of you, [...]
Okay, this is a bit of a late post. From here on in all Doctor Who episode recaps will appear on Mondays, but this week was a little different. See, I didn’t watch the premiere on Saturday night with the [...]
Tonight the greatest television ever created and broadcast will return for its 8th or 34th season (depending on how you reckon such things). A new actor (Peter Capaldi) will be taking over the role of the Doctor and by all [...]
I first saw Robin Williams on an episode of Happy Days. He played the strange and quirky Mork from Ork in a really bizarre dream sequence … or was it? Not long after Mork was spun-off to his own show, [...]
This is from way back in 2010, a conversation between Craig Ferguson and Stephen Fry. It proves that a quiet, erudite conversation can be immensely entertaining. The bit about social media and Twitter is very insightful. Not to mention the [...]
Howdy y’all! Welcome to the Website Roundup! This here’s the place where we rustle up a hootenanny of info – yee haw! That was forced wasn’t it? See, by calling this post ‘Roundup’ I figured I’d adopt a cowboy voice [...]
Ideas & ExcusesPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:05:29-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: