Doctor Who Week continues on DaddyElk! The Series 9 premiere is coming this Saturday and to celebrate we’re going to be doing all kinds of Who-related content starting with revisiting some old articles written for the 50th anniversary highlighting my [...]
Doctor Who Week continues on DaddyElk! The Series 9 premiere is coming this Saturday and to celebrate we’re going to be doing all kinds of Who-related content starting with revisiting some old articles written for the 50th anniversary highlighting my [...]
What they say in fandom is that the first Doctor you see, the one who is in place when you first start watching, is your Doctor; the one that all other Doctors are judged by...
Howdy y’all and welcome to another one of dem dare Website Roundups! Y’all know the drill by now, I write in a deeply flawed cowboy vernacular and attempt to be clever and funny while saying “yee haw!” several times before [...]
So the Hugos happened and it was a quiet, run-of-the-mill affair with nothing out of the ordinary or unusual to speak of… Unless of course you take into account that this was the most controversial and contested slate of nominees [...]
If there are two things I like it’s space opera and creative editing. And this video from YouTuber OneMinuteGalactica has both. What’s not to like? I was a huge fan of Battlestar Galactica when it first aired back in 1978. [...]
Ideas & ExcusesPaul Matthew Carr2024-07-02T11:05:29-06:00
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: